Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year from Red Ash!

OK a day late, but the well wishes are all there. While I have been enjoying some time off from work and family visits, I have also been working on implementing a few changes to the red ash website.

For one I have made changes to the species listing to include the species classes with the level range restrictions and the ability point increase. You can access it by clicking on the green icon and you can close it by clicking on the red icon.

I also added encounter regions as a table based display instead of a text based one. The text will be removed soon. I did this mainly to support future tools such as a count of encounter types by climate and terrain and a random encounter generator.

Under the powers section of a species I made a change to include the damage amount and type to those with the bite and/or claw powers.

I also made a few bug fixes.

All the Best and Cheers to a great new year for you all!
Chris J.

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